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Главная » Файлы » Knights of the Old Republic II » Моды к Kotor2 English

[ ] 2007-05-30, 21.43.50
Well I have to say that I am not a huge fan of this kind of mod but I am open to what mod I like or dislike, so this could be a really cool mod. Anyway though now to the review, this is a mod that allows to look like g0t0 and for those who need a refreshing of memory on who g0t0 is he is the rude floating droid (who HK-47 likes to call "Fat One") that you recruit on goto's (the person's) yacht. This mod is pretty cool but the only bad thing about it is that it overwrites the a_heavy_02 armor which I believe is the Heavy Battle Armor. It doesn't have any special properties either so this is a Simple mod for those of you who wish to know. So this mod is pretty cool but I would have to say to the author it would be even better if they could give it more stats so it was not so plain. So good job anyway I hope we can see an upgraded version of this in the future...wink...wink!

Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.

Категория: Моды к Kotor2 English | Добавил: Куай-Гон
Просмотров: 667 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |

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