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Главная » Файлы » Knights of the Old Republic II » Моды к Kotor2 English

Khoonda Militia Armour
[ ] 2007-05-30, 21.57.32
Ever wanted to be part of something as big as a militia, to focus your talents on saving to republic and all of it's people. Well now you can with this armor, Silveredge9 now gives us the chance to become part of the Dantooine Militia with this armor. So become part of something worth doing, The few, The proud, The Dantooine Militia

Ok now seriously this armor is awesome and is obviously the new fashion on Dantooine. Thje armor actually has a great look to it other than all of the same boring armors that we have see in Kotor 1 and yet again in Kotor 2. So give your self some style and download this awesome looking mod. Here are the stats of the armor:

User Limitation: Human

Attribute Bonus: Charisma +1

Also this has a neat little setup to how you get the amor, so download it and make sure to play your way through an get the armor. So I hope you all like this mod, and good job Silveredge9 I really like where you went with this mod. Enjoy!

Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.

Категория: Моды к Kotor2 English | Добавил: Куай-Гон
Просмотров: 704 | Загрузок: 3 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |

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