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Главная » Файлы » Knights of the Old Republic II » Моды к Kotor2 English

Suvam Tan
[ ] 2007-05-30, 22.25.47
Just so you guys know, this is my 300th mod review at this site.

Does anybody remember playing your Knights of the Old Republic game and going to Yavin to meet up with the rodian merchant, Suvam Tan? If you have only played the xbox version of KOTOR and never downloaded the live content, you probably won’t have a clue to what I’m talking about. Anyway, Suvan Tan was the merchant who if you help out would let you buy lots of really great items and the lightsaber crystals, Heart of the Guardian and Mantle of the Force.

Ender Wiggin makes his FileFront debut by adding Suvan Tan to the sequel, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. The author also thought it would be great to have a parallel to what happened in the original game. You get to have side quests in order to get all the items he has to offer, which will send you to two other planets. Just about all the original items from the original game are available except for the armor. Pretty neat idea if you ask me.

Well, you don’t have to go to Yavin to find the rodian since it’s not available in TSL; he’s on Nar Shaddaa this time in the Refugee Sector. Just look for a rodian with the label Suvan Tan and you got him. There is also a screenshot to give a reference to where to find him. Some of the things I noticed is there are a couple of new Jedi robes available with this mod and their icons got a cool lightning effect in them. You can also get Suvan’s lightsaber with a new blade color that comes with it, slightly modified from the cyan color to somewhat give it a new feel.

There is a lot to discover with this new mod, so if you are really in the mood for something new, especially in the mood for a new side quest, then give this mod a try. This mod uses the TSL Patcher for easy installation and .2da file merging. Enjoy the mod!

Категория: Моды к Kotor2 English | Добавил: Куай-Гон
Просмотров: 698 | Загрузок: 14 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |

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