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Главная » Файлы » Knights of the Old Republic II » Моды к Kotor2 English

Droid Planet Mod
[ ] 2007-06-02, 22.42.21
When you’re a fanatic about any game, you want to learn as much about it as possible. In case of the Knights of the Old Republic game series, you learn that a lot of content has been cut, especially in the sequel, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords when researching about the game. What is great with TSL is the cut content that was left behind by Obsidian.

One of the big things Obsidian left behind is elements of a planet that was cut from the game called M4-78. It’s a droid planet in case there are some people just learning of this.

Darth Shan thought it would be cool to do a little work on it and allow you to go to the planet and explore it and see what it’s all about. This is especially a great idea for those who are looking for something new to do in their TSL gaming. Let’s face it, new stuff leads to replay value and this mod is no exception.

There are seven different modules to explore in this mod. It’s best to just let you figure out your own experiences when playing a mods such as this, so if you want to know more, play it and find out to see if you like it. You have to get information about this planet in order access it. The readme explains what you need to get to know the planet’s location. Enjoy the mod!

Категория: Моды к Kotor2 English | Добавил: Куай-Гон
Просмотров: 966 | Загрузок: 92 | Рейтинг: 1.0/1 |

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