The Harbinger as all of you may know was a transport vessle carrying valuable fuel, cargo and the exile to the Telos Restoration Zones until Darth Sion hijacked it and pulled it off course to go in search of the exile who had escaped to the near by Peragus Mining Facility. Anyway to the point the inside of the Harbinger as all republic Capital and Transport vessles looked very bleek like nothing ever interesting at all could go on here even if it tried. Logan Essex has changed all of that, he has done a very fine reskin job on the Harbinger making it one of the most well adjusted levels (besides Nar Shaddaa) that I have seen so far in color terms that is. He has taken the Harbinger and reskined the entire interior of the ship red and yellow plus took the lights and made them what seems to be a flourecent orange color which I have to say looks pretty awesome. Anyway I also wanted to mention that this seems to be Logan Essex's first mod here with us at so I just want to say welcome to the family and great job on the mods I hope we may see more of these awesome reskins on different levels and eventually the whole game. Now to the people I really want you all to enjoy this one as this is a pretty cool mod so like I have said in almost all fo my reviews...Enjoy People!