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Главная » Файлы » Knights of the Old Republic II » Моды к Kotor2 English

Tomb of Azgath N'Dul
[ ] 2007-06-02, 22.59.44
I just got a totally awesome mod from Darth InSidious that I really think you guys will love. If you have ever been to Holowan Labs you know Darth InSidious and you also know that he is a lost module freak so you know that this nmod is going to be pretty cool. This mod features a new Tomb in "The Valley of The Dark Lords" on Korriban and I must say that it looks really good and very well thought out. I personally think this is a great addition to the Tombs in Kotor 2 as there were not that many to begin with because the developer of this game decided to close the ones off that they had rather then using them. Still this mod is definatly something cool and I really do think that you all will really enjoy it. This mod also does feature a loading screen and a way to transition to that module from 701KOR.

Great job Darth InSidious this looks really good and to all of the other guys out there be prepared for more great stuff to follow this mod and as always enjoy!

Категория: Моды к Kotor2 English | Добавил: Куай-Гон
Просмотров: 810 | Загрузок: 21 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |

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